Whack Your Boss

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Home » Fun Games » Whack Your Boss

Is your boss nagging/annoying or downright evil and you cannot do anything about it? If yes, then Whack Your Boss is just the game for you. The game gives players 24 different ways to kill that pesky boss, thus giving them the opportunity to blow off some steam.


Punish your boss by using 24 gruesome methods; use the objects scattered across the room and once the deed is done, simply click the cleaner button to restart the process. As the game is developed in Flash, it can be played in browser using the flash plugin. It features monochrome graphics and the only color comes from the blood splatter is of the boss. Different sound effects are used for murdering the boss. The game also features sounds and music from other video games.

How to Play

Simply choose one of the many objects in the room to kill the boss. Use stapler and beat the boss to death or unleash your inner ninja and throw that ruler like a shuriken, or better yet pummel him with your bare hands; the choice is yours.


Walkthrough Video