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Home » Shooting Games » Waterguns.io

Waterguns.io is an amazing shooting game in which the battle among the players happens at the beach. The game takes inspiration from many other shooting games like shootem.io or bruh.io. However, the key different between Waterguns.io and any other game is that this is a water fighting game and does not involve big real guns. Also, the players can shield themselves from other players when under attack. The protective shield has been inspired by the famous Captain America’s shield.

Type your nickname, choose a color skin and start taking down other opponents on the beach with your water gun. Your progress is recorded and presented on the leadership board popping at the top right corner of the gameplay. Below that is a minimap for you to look at. Keep an eye on the health bar displayed over you. Avoid picking up fight with stronger enemies.

Test your shooting skills with this super fun game from childhood now!


The game can be played on any web browser

Released in:

The game was released in August 2018


Walkthrough Video