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Home » Shooting Games » Warin.space

Warin.space is an epic multiplayer battle game. The battle between the two teams, team red, and team blue, happens in planet’s outer space. The primary objective of the game is to destroy the enemy’s base. Players need to be very tactical as they start with a basic spacecraft with weak damaging power. Team up with rest of the members and attack the opponents. The number of kills increases with each spacecraft brought down successfully.

The player’s spacecraft has a health bar displayed with it. The basic one has 100 health power while the mightiest of all has 350 health power. The spaceship can be upgraded by collecting the scrap in the space. Alternatively, scrap can also be collected by shooting down enemy’s spaceship. Abilities are displayed at the bottom of the gameplay that can be activated with QWER keys on the keyboard. Each ability activated has a cooldown period which can be seen very next to abilities. The gameplay also displays a radar where players can keep an eye on the enemy’s base.

Can you help your team take down the enemies targeting your base? Join war in space now and come to their rescue.


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