has been played 3,741 times and received a rating of 5 / 5 (100%) from 2 votes.

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Game rating: 5.00 based on 2 votes.

Home » Fun Games » is a multiplayer fidget spinner game where the objective is to grow bigger by collecting the glowing gems lying around. The game begins with a slow moving spinner. The bigger you grow, the stronger you become and your fidget starts spinning faster. Look for slow moving spinners and smash into them. This would kill them and snatch all the gems they had collected. Become the mightiest by pushing yourself to the top on the scoreboard that is displayed at the top right of your play-screen. On the other side, protect yourself from the stronger players. Their attacks are fatal too.

The spinner can be customized by clicking the customize button below play button. You can change the color of the spinner to your own favorite color if the predetermined color does not visually appeals you from the color palette available at the right side of your screen. You can also add your country’s flag or a miscellaneous badge available at the left side of your screen.

Controls: is fairly easy to play. Use mouse to navigate around and the speed can be boosted by pressing spacebar on your keyboard or with a mouse click.

Presented by:

Jetti Games

Available at:

The game can be played at any web browser. It is also available at Google Play.


Walkthrough Video