Strike Force Heroes 3

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Home » Shooting Games » Strike Force Heroes 3

Strike Force Heroes 3 is the sequel of Strike Force Heroes 2. The storyline revolves around defeating GlobeX, a hostile organization that is ready to deploy its army of clones. Only one member of the strike force remains and that is you. Your goal is to rebuild your army and destroy GlobeX.


After hitting the ‘Play’ button, the ‘Select Squad’ option appears. The game starts as you click this button. The first mission takes place at the factory where you have to kill all the enemies to advance to the next mission. The customization options can be unlocked by completing successive missions and earning more points.

A lot of weapons including rifles, pistols, and armors become available as you level up in the game. It is a single player game and you have to complete the missions yourself. You can turn off the music and sound effects from the main menu.

How To Play

Move your soldier around the gaming arena through the arrow keys. Use the ‘Up’ arrow key to make the soldier jump over the boxes. The ‘Down’ arrow key is used to navigate the narrow spaces like tunnels. Buy ammo from the shop to refuel your soldier and kill all the enemies. You can also use ‘W’, ‘A’, ‘S’, ‘D’ keys to move left, right, up, and down.

Walkthrough Video