Strike Force Heroes 2

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Home » Shooting Games » Strike Force Heroes 2

The sequel of Strike Force Heroes introduces new characters and a more complex storyline. The missions happen at a spaceship surrounding the orbit of the earth. Kill the required number of enemies on each level to complete a mission.


The story is set 100 years forward in time at a spaceship. The main menu has several options including ‘Soldiers’, ‘Challenges’, and ‘Custom Game’. You can choose your character among five different players – The Engineer, The Mercenary, The General, The Sniper, and The Juggernaut. Customize your player with the ‘Appearance’ option on the ‘Soldiers’ menu. You get a lot of choices to change the color of the armor and weapons. To turn off the music, go to the main menu and choose ‘Options’. There, you’ll be able to uncheck the music option.

New weapons can be unlocked by killing enemies and earning more points. Supplies like ammo and health packets are scattered around the game arena. Go to ‘Shop’ to buy supplies and weapons with the credit you have.

How To Play

Use the arrows keys to move your soldier around. The ‘Up’ and ‘Down’ keys make the soldier jump and crawl through narrow spaces. Do not run out of ammo in the middle of the game since you have a limited stock. Make sure to open fire at the enemies just in time so that you don’t get killed.

Walkthrough Video