has been played 4,670 times and received a rating of 4.29 / 5 (86%) from 7 votes.

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Game rating: 4.29 based on 7 votes.

Home » Shooting Games » is a great online free game that is a joyride all the way through with multiple exciting levels and an indulging gameplay. It’s a brilliant shooting game with a plethora of challenging matches offering interesting perks and rewards to the player. Although it can be played in single player mode it’s more fun to snag special abilities and powerups for your character in contest with other players. The fast-paced shooting based game offers hours of exciting and marvelous gaming and is definitely worth a shot.


A free indie 2D multiplayer shooting title that can be played in a browser, is all about hitting at targets and winning achievements by playing challenging matches that can be used to earn gold and money. The game comes equipped with a vast array of special weapons and abilities that can be used to strengthen your character as it moves up different levels in the game. There are other features for customizing your character such as skins for crafting specific loadout so that you can take on the opponents. The player is guided by various maps during the gameplay for fighting missions, while special skills and powers to take on bigger challenges can be unlocked using the gold collected.

How To Play

In order to play, use the following controls:

  • Press WASD to move
  • Press Left Mouse to shoot
  • Press 0-9 / Mouse Wheel to swap weapons
  • Press Enter to open the chat window
  • Press and hold Alt to see the HP of nearby walls
  • Press Right Mouse to jump or dodge
  • Press to reload
  • Press Q / E to use active abilities
  • Press to aim with sniper weapons

· Press and hold Tab to see a list of players


Walkthrough Video