Scary Maze Game

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Home » Fun Games » Scary Maze Game

Scary Maze Game seems pretty simple until you reach the level four. It requires you to complete four levels without touching the walls to win the game. You can also pull it as a prank on your friends. When you touch the wall accidentally, a scary image appears on the screen with a very loud shrieking noise.


As said earlier, it has four levels; first three levels are pretty simple. It is a single player game where the player is represented by a small red square in a white colored maze. The background is all black and the graphics of the game are quite simple and monochromatic.

The maze gets more complicated and narrow as you approach level 4. The scary woman doesn’t appear when you fail in the earlier levels. After you lose, you can reset the game by clicking the red colored ‘Retry’ button on the screen.

How To Play

It is a mouse/ touch pad controlled game. Drag the red square through the maze without touching the walls. The maze is essentially a pipe with varying width. Be extra careful when you enter level four. Best of luck!


Walkthrough Video