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Home » Fighting Games » is an entertaining and enjoyable online game. The game is a futuristic first-person shooter, following the format of an arena shoot-out game. For games of this type, is undoubtedly a very excellent game. If you are looking for an online multiplayer shooter in a .io format than look no further than has a 3d format, and the graphics are not that bad. The gameplay, however, is very smooth, and has decent servers to help with the smoothness of the gameplay. The maps are helpful and futuristic, featuring portals and fast-paced combat. There are two game modes which offers, one being a free for all while the other is a Team Deathmatch. Both of these games’ patterns are prevalent among fans of first-person shooter games.

The game has a verity of weapons form which the player can choose. However, the player must first unlock them. The points which will open the weapons are obtainable by, killing opponents, getting headshots, and surviving. The more you play, the more points you will earn, allowing you to unlock and upgrade your weapons and equipment.

How to play

The controls of are very similar to any other first-person shooter game. However, it also adds some elements which are seen in very limited shooter games. Which makes such an amazing game as it is offering so many features in a “.io” format game. The player moves using the “WASD” keys or arrow keys just like any other shooter. You take aim by holding down the right mouse button and shoot with the left mouse button. By pressing the space bar, you will jump, and by pressing the shift button, the player will slide along the map. also allows the players to lean over while in cover by pressing the Q or E key, which is a feature seen in only high-quality first-person shooters.


“WASD” or arrow keys – Movement
Left mouse button – Shoot
Right mouse button – Aim
Space bar – Jump
Q or E – Lean
Shift – Slide
Tab – View player stats


  • Just like any other First person shooter game, there are many strategies players can follow to be good at the game. Each approach will suit a different play style, and it is up to you, on whichever method you will want to follow
  • There is a very well-known strategy in first-person shooter games, which won’t help in making friends but is sure to help you win battles. It is known as Camping, and as the name stays, you camp at a single point on the map. Keep movement minimal to avoid detection, take your time, and silently eliminate other players.
  • gives the user the ability to slide; most players forget about this ability and limit their movements. The slide can be useful for both offensive and defensive gameplay. It comes in handy when making a quick escape

Another significant feature that most players will forget is the lean feature, which is very helpful in first-person shooters. By leaning, you can shoot other players without even leaving you cover, if done correctly you can quickly become a pro at


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