Plazma Burst 2

Plazma Burst 2 has been played 7,459 times and received a rating of 3.67 / 5 (74%) from 6 votes.

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Game rating: 3.67 based on 6 votes.

Home » Shooting Games » Plazma Burst 2

Plazma Burst 2 is an intelligently designed shooting game, which takes you to amazing space missions. Design your own warrior using various options from the campaign tab. You can play as a lone warrior and shoot your enemies by traveling through the massive space.


Splendid graphics and creativity! A life capsule drops you at the land to start your mission. It has 10 levels with easy, medium and hard playing options. The settings and performance allow you to change and set things according to your convenience including screen effects, physics quality, and violence. The game can also be played on their official website where you have an additional option of multiplayer. Energy and health levels guide you for further moves. Beware of head shots, as they directly lessen your health and the player eventually dies.

How to Play

Use the arrow keys to move up and down. Use your mouse cursor to shoot an enemy with the plasma gun. The red cursor moves along with you throughout your way. Press space bar to jump. Numerical keys from 1 to 9 can be used to initiate weapon attacks. Press ‘enter’ or ‘G’ for a grenade.


Walkthrough Video