Plazma Burst

Plazma Burst has been played 8,150 times and received a rating of 3.75 / 5 (75%) from 16 votes.

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Game rating: 3.75 based on 16 votes.

Home » Shooting Games » Plazma Burst

An action-packed thrilling adventure of space and time. Single player game with plenty of options available for your convenience. The story starts with the destruction of our planet and its call for rescue. You need to find your friends and appliances scattered here and there.


Mystical planets and splendid animations add up to make a real 3d world right in front of your eyes. With hints popping up from the top left corner of the screen the game becomes relatively easy to play. You can play as a registered user and save your gaming record.

There are 16 different levels and sublevels of easy medium and hard to make this game exciting yet elementary for various age groups of people.The health deteriorates from 100 as you get gunshots from your opponents.

How To Play

Direction keys are used to move the player right and left. The upper arrow key is for jumping while numerical keys are for weapons. You have three grenades at the beginning of the game and use them by pressing g button. A mouse click is used to fire the enemies. You can minimize the violent effects like bloodshed and dead bodies disappearing by entering the options button right under the control before you start the game.


Walkthrough Video