Papa’s Wingeria

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Home » Fun Games » Papa’s Wingeria

Papa’s Wingeria is a fun little game from Papa Louie Arcade. You work at Papa’s Wingeria, which is a wing frying shop. Providing the customers perfectly fried wings dipped in various sauces will win you more tips. The customers rank your wings on a scale of 1-100 after you deliver your order.


You can customize the look of your character once you hit the play button. There are a variety of options for skin color, hair color, facial hair, eye look, and accessories. The ‘Mute’ button is available on the main menu to turn off the music.

There are four stations – Order Station, Fry Station, Sauce Station, and Build Station. In between orders, you can play mini games to earn more money. Spend your money at the ‘Shop’ to buy accessories and clothing for your character.

How To Play

Go through a quick tutorial before your first order. Note down orders at the ‘Order Station’. You can drag your ticket on top of the screen to make it more visible. Move on to ‘Fry Station’ and fry your wings to perfection. At the ‘Sauce Station’, put the customer’s specified sauce on the wings and shake it twice to make it well spread. Finally, at the ‘Build Station’, arrange fried wings on the plate with the garnishes the customer wants. A pretty and clean plate of wings will get you more tips from the customer.


Walkthrough Video