Papa Louie

Papa Louie has been played 7,218 times and received a rating of 3.89 / 5 (78%) from 9 votes.

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Game rating: 3.89 based on 9 votes.

Home » Fun Games » Papa Louie

The famous Papa Louie is in trouble, as the monster pizzas have taken him to multigrain fields. Papa Louie was about to deliver delicious pizzas to his dear customers when all of a sudden they crooked the box and yellow head monster pizzas came out to attack. All the delicious pizzas are turned into tacky pizza monsters. Armed with pepper bombs and sharp knife, Papa Louie should find the monster pizzas and swipe them away along with the wicked onions and other enemies.


The game becomes easy to play with the direction boards throughout your way. Having five lives and few weapons, you need to rescue your loyal customers at the end of each level. The ‘how to play’ option provides complete playing guidance. Use the hat to land after you jump from a height. The game starts with the training mode and has three files entry for three players.

How to Play

Use the arrow keys to move right and left. Spacebar can be used to jump while alphabet keys of ‘Z’, ‘X’, and ‘B’ are used to swing paddle, throw bombs and check bonus respectively. You can also switch controls by clicking on any button you like. The game can be paused with ‘Enter’ button.

Walkthrough Video