Nyan Cat 2

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Home » Shooting Games » Nyan Cat 2

Playing with the most fantabulous flying cat ever, eating ice-cream, drinking milk, collecting coins, jumping onto cakey platforms, avoiding angry dogs, buying gorgeous boosts and exploring the infinite space; Nyan Cat 2 is all about fun, excitement, collectibles, achievements, enemies, and flying. The super quirky free online game is a definite must for all gaming enthusiasts who love super-hero thrills.


Nyan Cat 2 allows you to embark on an exciting journey exploring the wonderful world of supercat Nyan while you eat yummy goodies, collect treasure, fly like a superhero, evade angry dogs, and jump on cakey planes. The game has 5 different modes for you to select from where you can learn to fly on other planets using Nyan wings and play with Nyan’s enemy, Tac Nyan. The online game features tasty COLLECTABLES such as energy drinks, donuts; and awesome POWERUPS like rockets and bubbles. Additionally, you can make use of POWERDOWNS like dynamites and flashlights to overpower evil foes, as well as, take advantage of marvelous boost items like score multiplier and shield to step up your score in Nyan Cat 2.

How To Play

Use your mouse to control the flying & jumping movements including the speed of the character. Click for shooting dynamites and flashlights at dogs & UFOs. Use the volume keys to adjust the sound of the game and listen to the popular Nyan song.

Walkthrough Video