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Monopoly has been favorite game of every millennial. This cardboard game has been played among friends and families and has been a fun activity of our childhood. Whenever we hear someone speaking about this game, we all yearn for the return of our childhood. The same game has been developed into another realistic online and is played the same way as the cardboard game. can be played with as few as two players and as many as eight players. The fewer the number of players the longer it takes to complete the game. On the contrary, a larger number of players will be able to complete the game in a lesser time. The game starts with choosing a banker who distributes 1500 equally among all the players. The players choose a gamepiece that would represent them in the game. All the players roll the dice and the player scoring the largest number is all set to make the first move.

The purpose of the game is to buy as many properties as possible and increase your cash balance available with you. As the game commences, the player rolls the dice and moves the gamepiece the same number of spaces on the board. The gamepiece lands on a certain property which you might want to buy. If you don’t want to buy the property, the banker would auction the property to the rest of the players. If someone bids for the property and is successful, the banker submits him the property deeds which the player keeps in front of him. If no one bids for the property, the game resumes.

Monopoly is built by buying all the property pertaining to a certain group. Collect rent as any other player lands on your property. The rent could be increased by placing more houses and building a hotel on your property.

Look for the other spots on the board. There is a community chest, luxury tax, chance spot, income tax, a charge for electricity, free parking, railway stations, water works and a jail on board, each having a cost attached to it.

How to play?

Well, this game is very easy to play. Use the left click of mouse to make your move.

Developed by:

Originally, the game was developed by Parker Bros that was later taken over by Hasbro. However, has been developed by BenBean.


Walkthrough Video