Masked Forces

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Home » Shooting Games » Masked Forces

Just because a game is available to play online doesn’t mean that it has to be purely for casual gamers. Masked forces is a brilliantly FPS shooter that you can easily play from the comfort of your browser. If you grew up playing games like Counter Strike, then Masked forces is going to feel just right.

Upon starting the game, you’ll be given the choice to select your own custom nickname and begin your quest to shoot everybody. There are different modes that you can play. There’s a regular campaign mode, that’ll help you go up levels quickly. However, the most fun to be had is in the online PVP mode.

The online pvp modes puts you in arena facing off against different players. In these types of games, the objective is simple. You need to get the highest score possible.

How to play Masked Forces?

The game follows the same control scheme as any other FPS shooter. You control your character using the WASD keys, and the mouse allows you to aim/ move camera. If you want to fire your gun, use the left click. However, if you want to go into scope mode you must press right click.

There are several different weapons to use in the game as well. You can cycle through these by using the scroll on your mouse. It’s a barebones FPS shooter but it’s definitely a lot of fun.

• Make sure you play using a mouse. If you’re using a laptop, the trackpad will become a significant disadvantage when you’re competing in online PVP
• Use all the guns, switching to a different gun is much faster than reloading. If you’re in a fire fight and run out of ammo, just keep fighting with another weapon.
• Bunny hopping is very effective. If you’re a fan of old school fps games, you’ll understand that the bunny hop is a great technique. You’re harder to hit and you’ll be able to move around faster!

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