has been played 5,055 times and received a rating of 4.22 / 5 (85%) from 9 votes.

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Game rating: 4.22 based on 9 votes.

Home » Shooting Games » is a 2D shooter game, with a lot of real-time strategies. You must deploy battle units and fight it out with other online players. Assemble your army, plan your tactics, and wreak havoc on the battlefield.

The main goal of is to take out the opposing army, last person alive wins. You must protect the Chief, who is in the center of your army. If the Chief dies, it’s game over. Make sure your Chief is safe and focus on attacking the enemies’ Chief.

In, you can deploy various types of soldiers; each unit has different costs, and performance also varies. Some troops will have shields to defend the army, while some troops will carry weapons to attack. You start with six different types of forces, however as you progress in-game more types of soldiers are unlockable.

Later on, even tanks can be deployable; you must first unlock them. The troops/units which are locked are purchasable with the in-game currency, which is G. It is essential to note this currency is only for unlocking other troops. When in a match, you cannot use this currency to buy troops. To buy troops in a game, you must collect boxes. The boxes appear randomly on the map. Collect them to make your army bigger and better. is an exciting and challenging game. It gives you the freedom to deploy units of your choice. You can go to war; however, you like it. You can go full attacking with no defenses or do the complete opposite. It’s all up to you.

How to play

The game is straight forward to play, and the controls are straightforward. Movement by using the “WASD” keys. You aim with the mouse pad and press the left mouse button to shoot. Clicking on troops on will buy them, or by using “1-9” keys, depending on what number is assigned to which soldier.


WASD – Movement
Left mouse button – Shoot
1-9 – Buy a unit


  • is a war game, which means that there is a lot of policy in the game. The amount of units available also makes the game super interesting. Each group has a different purpose, so selecting the right unit for the correct use is another thing the player should keep an eye on.
  • People who are starting the game should not go for expensive soldiers, and they should focus on collecting power boxes. Once you have enough power boxes, then upgrade your army. By following this strategy during end-game, you will have sufficient resources, to rule the battlefield and win this all-out war.
  • Another strategy which is similar to the previous is using only the shields troops until you collect a large number of power boxes. By using the forces with shields, the chances of your chief taking damage are meager. All this will allow you to have a comfortable lead on your enemies as your Chief will have full health and a full wallet to deploy troops as well.


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