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Home » Fun Games » Goku

Goku Dress Up is every Dragon Ball Z’s fan dream come true! In Goku Dress Up, the players can completely customize the way their favorite protagonist looks. The customization is not limited to Goku’s attire. The players can also customize facial features and even the glowing aura that surrounds their favorite hero. The visuals of the game have been designed to portray the authentic look and feel of the world manga right from the costumes to the completely customized Goku in all his glory.


To start off, the players are presented with a screen with Goku dressed in his original costume on the left hand side. On the right hand side of the player are nine dragon balls in circular formation each representing an article of clothing, facial feature and background aura that can be selected on a click. Once clicked, the item shows up in the middle of the dragon ball circle. Two arrows at the bottom can be used to cycle through different options available for that particular item. After making their selection, the player can click on the item itself and it will automatically be placed on Goku’s body. After completing all the customization, the dragon ball containing the word “done” can be pressed to see customized Goku.

How To Play

The entire game is controlled through the mouse clicks for making selections and cycling through options. There are two more arrows at the very bottom of the screen representing the ‘redo’ and the ‘randomize’ options. The redo option can undo all the customizations the player has made and restores Goku to his original form. Selecting the randomize arrow will display Goku in different customized forms.

Walkthrough Video