Fleeing the Complex

Fleeing the Complex has been played 4,427 times and received a rating of 5 / 5 (100%) from 1 votes.

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Home » Fun Games » Fleeing the Complex

Some most notorious criminals are behind the bars in the famous prison named ‘The Wall’. You are playing the character of a most-wanted thief, Henry Stick. He has finally been caught and sent to this prison. Your goal is to escape the prison by adopting a proper strategy.


Fleeing the Complex is a single player game with two dimensional graphics. On the main page, ‘Credits’ show information about the developer of the game, whereas, ‘Medals’ display the different ranks that will be unlocked as you advance in the fleeing the complex game.

It is an animated and voice acted game that has stick figures as its characters. A dramatic music plays in the background as you are given several choices to move forward in the game. As you get closer to the escape, choices get more difficult. You can view the map of the prison to better plan your escape.

How To Play

The game is controlled with the mouse or the touch pad. You don’t have to control the characters, just click on a suitable choice when you are asked. After selection, characters will automatically come in action. If your selection fails, click on retry button on the bottom left corner and start the game again.


Walkthrough Video