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Home » Fun Games » Bookworm

Bookworm is a nerd game featuring a library of lettered tiles, and you have to form words by joining those tiles. Only adjoining tiles can be connected. The longer the word, the more points will be added to your score. When you hit the submit button after connecting the tiles, the library reshuffles and new tiles appear replacing the already connected ones.


The starting menu has three options: ‘Play Game’, ‘Learn How To Play’, and ‘Play for Prizes’. ‘Learn how to play’ gives you a quick review of the game. When you press play game, a library of lettered tiles appears on the right side, whereas, score board and a bookworm appear on the left side. If you form words with very few letters, ‘burning tiles’ will start appearing in the library. The game is over if they reach the bottom.

You are given ‘bonus words’ to form when you reach the second level and that significantly increase your score. Randomly appearing green or gold ‘reward tiles’ boost the score. The gold tiles are worth more than the green ones. The gold tiles appear when you form five or more lettered words.

How To Play

There is a ‘Submit’ button in the left menu. Click on respective tiles to form a word and hit the ‘Submit’ button. To get rid of ‘burning tiles’, use them in a word and avoid making tiny words to score more points.

Walkthrough Video