Almost all PC gamers will be familiar with the Steam client. It’s a video game distribution service tailor-made to cater to PC gamers. The software initially came out in 2003. The developers were Valve Corporation. Aside from revolutionizing the games themselves, Valve is responsible for so much good in the industry.
If you’re not a PC gamer, chances are you’re probably aware of Steam. You may not know the complete details, but there’s no need to worry. This article will aim to address many of the concerns you have.
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What is Steam?
Steam was initially just a means for Valve to deliver game updates to their customers. However, moving forward, the software began catering to video games from other developers as well. Initially, the software was only offering mostly indie games.
Moving to the modern-day, almost all PC games in the world get a release on Steam. You will easily find AAA titles and free to play games. It’s a paradise for gamers. They can choose to buy the games digitally using steam credits or with a credit card.
Furthermore, with the progression of time, Steam has also become a great community. It’s a great place to come and discuss games. Each game also has its forum. You can easily debate what you need with other games.
Additionally, the service is also a platform for new game developers to showcase their stuff. Steam has a substantial offering of Indie games. So many obscure developers have found success by merely launching their game on Steam. The service is truly a revolutionary and has led the way in digital video game purchasing.
Who owns Steam?
Steams’ owner is essentially Valve Corporation. The company was responsible for the development of software in 2003. Valve is an intriguing enigma. They’re a private company, and it’s incredibly rare for a company of their size to be a private entity. Valve Corporation was founded in 1996 by Gabe Newell & Mike Harrington.
How to refund a game on Steam?
Steam is entirely dependent on customers purchasing the games on offer. To facilitate the consumers as much as possible, Steam allows them to refund the game. You can refund a game on Steam within 14 days. However, you need to ensure that the game has less than 2 hours of playtime. If you exceed the 2-hour limit, you won’t be able to refund the game.
Your refund will typically take a week to go through. It can take longer to process on some occasions but, Steam are generally generous with their returns. Additionally, you can also get a refund in terms of credit or Steam funds, as well.
You can find the refund page from the Purchases menu on Steam. After finding yourself in the purchases, select the title you want to refund. Steam will ask you to choose which problem you’re having, and then you can request a refund. After that, you’ll have to fill up the request form. After you’ve done all these steps, all you need to do is wait for your refund.
How much is my Steam account worth?
After spending a fair amount of years on Steam, users might be interested in identifying the worth of their accounts. Your digital library may have hundreds of games, and it’s very intriguing to see how much all of it is worth.
You can calculate the worth manually, by calculating the cost of replacing your Steam Library. However, doing so much math can be tedious. There are several quicker options that gamers can use to save time. SteamDB and other third-party software allow players to measure the value of their accounts at a click of a button. However, make sure you’re only doing this for personal reasons. The sale and purchase of Steam accounts are against the distributor’s rules and may lead to permanent banning.
One of the features that help create a sense of community is game sharing. You can share games on Steam using the family library sharing features. Basically, from your settings, you can access the family panel to open up Library Sharing. From here, you can select the accounts that are eligible for game sharing.
The easiest way to share games with your friends is logging onto Steam from their computers. Once you log in, you can follow the steps above to share games with anyone you like quickly.
How to find Steam id?
Open up your Steam client and select the View option from the top of the menu. After the drop-down menu opens, go on to choose Settings. Once you’re in the settings, pick the interface option. If you scroll down, you’ll find a checkbox that says display steam URL. After checking the box, press OK to save the options.
Afterward, you can select the Steam username to open up your ID. You’ll see the ID on the search bar on top.
How to move Steam games to another drive?
There are necessarily two ways that gamers can move games from their library to another drive using Steam. There’s an inbuilt service that allows you to move games using Steam. Open up your client and select downloads from your settings. Go to Steam Library folders and select the “Add Library Folder” option. Once you’re done, you can choose the folder you want to relocate your games.
Open up your gaming library and right-click on the title you want to move. Select properties and switch to the local files tab. From that menu, you’ll find the move install folder, clicking on it will help you relocate the file.
Alternatively, if you want to move multiple games, the only option is third party software. The Steam Library Manager is an application that allows you to relocate numerous games quickly. You can currently only get the software for PC.
How to uninstall Steam?
In spite of the several brilliant features, there may come a time when you need to get rid of Steam. Regardless of whether you’re trying to move on from gaming or if you need a break, uninstalling Steam is simple. On windows, you need to go to the Add/Remove section. From there, you can select Steam and permanently uninstall the software.
Uninstalling the software will have no impact on your gaming library. If you re-install the software and log back in, you can download the games in your library again.
Steam is a software that’s been around for more than a decade. Year after year, the software has been working on becoming more accessible. Currently, using Steam is as easy as any other software.
Hopefully, this article addresses several of your concerns regarding Steam! It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or a veteran; everyone has queries. The best way to learn about Steam is by using it yourself!