The latest installment in the fantastically brilliant Dragon Age series, Dragon Age Inquisition is the latest installment in the series and on deliverance was a fantastic game. With incredibly diverse strategical multiplayer gameplay none of your allies have ever been more in sync with your style. The ability to switch through multiple characters is something incredibly satisfying and you get to take on an incredibly amount of dragons. Who doesn’t love dragons? In spite of Dragon Age is an incredibly solid game there is one glaring issue, console users need not worry about but for all the PC users out there. For some apparent reason or another Dragon Age Inquisition fails to start up. The Dragon Age Inquisition crash on startup error is one that is the bane of many gamers.
The Dragon Age Inquisition crash on startup error shows you a completely black screen once you start the game launcher. The utterly black screen shows up for two seconds, and then the game crashes taking you back to the desktop. The reason why this problem is such a headache is because of the multitude of reasons that could potentially cause the crash. Worry not however, this article will go through every single one of the reasons so you can enjoy a seamless gaming experience.
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Make sure DirectX 11 is installed
This may be a rather trivial suggestion but you’d be surprised how often people overlook this. DirectX 11 is crucial to all multimedia tasks on your PC. If DirectX is not up to date or the installed version is corrupt, it can be a cause for the Dragon Age Inquisition won’t start ever.
Checking the validity of your DirectX is incredibly simple. It is merely a matter of running the “dxDiag” windows application. If the application does not run or is missing this indicates an error and may require you re-install DirectX. You can find the DirectX update on the Microsoft website.
Update graphics drivers
One such solution that is pretty obvious to any regular gamer is updating your graphics drivers. As newer games come out, they require updates to the graphics drivers, not updating your graphics drivers can make a lot of games inaccessible. Regularly updating your graphics drivers is crucial and this can be done through two ways.
Every graphics card comes with its own application that allows you to manage its settings, and there’s also usually an indicator of whether your drivers are updated as well. Another method of checking this is by using the device manager. Open the device manager by right clicking on My computer and selecting manage. Scrolling down will help you find the required tab. If there is a yellow indicator next to your graphics driver, it means that the drivers are out of date. Updating your graphics drivers can be vital in overcoming the Dragon age inquisition crash on startup error.
Using windows mode
This solution may not require a lot of hassle and may seem like an instant hit because of how simple it is. You can access the game in windows mode by right-clicking and selecting the option or by hitting alt+enter once you’ve chosen the game.
Using in windows mode may seem like a simple stop gap and that is precisely what it is. The method isn’t guaranteed to work every single time. Furthermore, even when it is going to work not playing full screen takes away from the overall gaming experience. If you’re looking for a quick and easy fix that’ll get you through a few gameplay hours, this is the one for you.
Make sure your PC has the processing power
The modern generation of games is incredibly taxing and require you to have a very decent PC. It is imperative that you go through the minimum requirements. Each game has its own minimum PC requirements. Dragon Age Inquisition is a very expansive and graphically impressive game will take a lot from your PC.
If your PC isn’t up to the required standards of the game, it can cause a host of performance issues as well. If you’ve tried every other solution mentioned in the article, it may be even more evident that you need to upgrade your PC to play the game.
Antivirus can sometimes block games from starting up, making it another cause for the Dragon Age Inquisition crash on startup error. A fast fix can be simply disabling them before you start the game and once the game has started, you can quickly turn the antivirus back on again. This solution has been one that has worked the most for people. Your firewall can also be a reason why the startup error is occurring and disabling it can help resolve the issue.
Certain Antiviruses also offer you the ability to create “exceptions.” These exceptions are essentially just allowing a specific application to act independently of the antivirus. It’ll save you the trouble of continually going back and forth between enabling and disabling your antivirus.
Windows compatibility mode
This solution mostly applies to Windows 10 users but can be used by any other OS users as well. When developers launch games there are optimized for a specific OS, while this may seem like a trivial thing OS matching can be a stumbling block for some games. Dragon Age: Inquisition is best compatible with Windows 7 and Windows 8. Most modern PC users like to keep their OS updated and can simply run the application in compatibility mode. Compatibility allows you to use applications that were optimized for another OS to the best of their ability. Compatibility mode is accessible upon right-clicking the application. Simply select the option “run in compatibility mode.”
Disable all recording software
A lot of us like to record our gameplay, but for some reason, it can cause the Dragon Age: Inquisition crash on launch error. Disabling all recording software before starting the game can help resolve this issue.
Deleting your profile from settings
Be warned while using this method any carelessness could lead to you losing your save file. Access the game’s settings folder from the install directory, upon accessing the folder delete your profile. Be sure to not accidentally delete any of your saves. Once you’ve deleted your profile, what this does is force the game to create a new settings profile that will work. The new settings will work for your PC and will help you get past the Crash on startup error.
Dragon Age: Inquisition is an incredible game, and so many people have invested an insane amount of time into playing. The Dragon Age: Inquisition crash on startup error can hinder your dragon slaying adventures but not after this article.