Block World

Block World has been played 2,762 times and received a rating of 5 / 5 (100%) from 1 votes.

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Let the Minecaft craze continue. Block World takes the same formula from Minecraft and simplifies it a little bit. Instead of having to worry about crafting and mining, you can focus on the building aspect of Minecraft.

That’s right the game centers around building structures mostly. It facilitates the idea by changing your basic tools into just removing and collecting blocks.

How to play Block World?

The game is super simple to play. You can move your character using the WASD keys. Additionally, you can move the camera angle using the mouse button. The left click allows you to collect the blocks in the game, while the right click places new blocks.

You can cycle through different materials using the number keys. The boundaries are only your own creativity, you can easily make whatever you want in the game. There’s also a survival mode however, you should definitely start off with getting your builds right.

WASD– Movement
Spacebar– Jump
Left-click– Collect block
Right-click– Place block

Walkthrough Video