Angry Red Button

Angry Red Button has been played 4,116 times and received a rating of 2.29 / 5 (46%) from 7 votes.

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Home » Fun Games » Angry Red Button

The Angry Red Button is a quirky, fiery and interesting free online game featuring a huge red button that is very angry telling you just ‘not to click’. But clicking is so much fun, and with exciting levels, challenges and a plethora of angry monologues, this fun game is addictive and truly engaging. You just can’t help but click on the flashy and fuming red button on your screen.


The Angry Red Button is just like your foe and you need to knock it down by clicking it but that just makes it angrier. With each click the challenge gets grittier and you’re just hooked onto the screen. However be careful, as the flashy red thing can be tacky. Look out for the red checkpoints to make sure you stay safe through the gameplay. This great game dares you to click for more difficult and exciting levels challenging your wits and acumen. Are you game enough to play till the end because this is super-indulging?

How To Play

It’s simple and fun playing the Angry Red Button game. All you need to do is watch your screen for the angry signal and click. Keep clicking for more challenging levels and loads of playfulness and merriment.

Walkthrough Video