Angry Birds Online

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Home » Fun Games » Angry Birds Online

The Angry Birds phenomenon took over the world when it first came out in 2009. Since then the franchise has been garnering excess fame year upon year. What started as a basic title is now an empire of movies, merchandise, and more.

Those gamers who have been missing out on the fun of the original series need not worry anymore. Angry birds online is a browser-based port of the original mobile game that’s taken the mobile gaming platform by storm.

Players must take on the evil green pigs in the game. The battle between birds and pigs began because the pigs have been stealing eggs from the bird’s nest. Gamers will launch their birds into several pig structures in an attempt to eliminate all pigs. Once you remove all the pigs, you can continue to proceed to the next level.

Fans of the series will claim that the first installment in the series was the very best. It’s clear to see why they would think this way as well. It may not have all the bells and whistles of newer versions of the game, but the original mechanics are all present.

The port covers all aspects of the mobile game. Players will get to use their favorite original birds and enjoy their quirky natures. Each unique bird in the game has an ability as well. Gamers can make use of the bird’s skills by tapping on the screen again.

The most common bird the players will get is the red one. Being a part of the original game, one of the highlights is using only the unique set of characters. Before the franchise became a merchandising machine, the birds felt like they had a role.

A lot of this character was lost in newer iterations of the game. However, while playing Angry Birds online, you will enjoy the classic feel of the game.

How to play angry birds online?

One of the reasons Angry Birds is so successful is because the games are incredibly easy to play. The game controls similar to the mobile versions. Using the mouse players can pull down on the birds to launch.

The angle you pull on will control the trajectory of the birds. Once you’re in the air tapping the left click button will help you activate your projectiles ability. A mouse is all you need to play this game, which replaces the touch controls brilliantly.

Mouse–– Movement
Left-Click–– Ability

Strategies to use

  • Roam around and get the full picture. You can scroll the entire level, to notice any points that give you an advantage. Make sure you use this tactic on every level to ensure your success.
  • Master bird abilities. Mastering the different skills of the bird will help you take out targets easily. Each bird has its advantages and disadvantages. Being aware of them will help you eliminate the pigs.

Play till the end. The first game has a great comedic story that you can experience in full in this free online game.
