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Home » Fun Games » Transformice

Transformice is a multiplayer game, where each player is portrayed as a mouse. The goal is to get the cheese back to your hole while competing with other mice. Whichever mice gets the cheese back in minimum time has the highest score.


From the starting menu, you can choose to play either as guest or register yourself with a nickname. You’ll also see a mute icon on the top right of the start menu. After starting the Transformice game, you’ll enter a quick tutorial. Between you and the cheese, there are hurdles like slanting pathways and rotating stairs that make it difficult to get to the cheese.

Each round lasts for two minutes. The number of mice is also mentioned on top of the screen. Every round has a different setting, such as, Halloween, sunset, or inside of a fort. There is a magical mouse that has special powers like springs to jump extraordinarily high. You can win those powers by touching it. Scoreboard is displayed on the bottom of the screen with the names of all the players.

How To Play

Use the arrow keys to move about in the gaming area. Use the ‘Up’ arrow key to jump. Once the game starts, run as fast as you can, else you’ll be hindered by a large number of mice. Jump over mice to reach the cheese in time. Keep track of time.


Walkthrough Video